Sa Rutta Experience: a treasure in the middle of nothing


A magical place, located in the vicinity of Villaputzu, a small village just waiting to be discovered, on the south-east coast of Sardinia, in the sub-region of Sarrabus.
The territory of Villaputzu extends for over 181 square km of wild and uncontaminated nature, while the centre of the town consists of a short flat stretch created by the alluvial deposits of the Flumendosa river, close to a hilly area.


Sa Rutta, in Sardinian, means “The cave”: it is precisely from these ancient and difficult-to-access places, historically lands of shepherds and farmers, that we created our eco-tourist project, Sa Rutta Experience.


Sardinia is famous all over the world for the beauty of its sea and golden beaches, but in its immediate hinterland it also conceals some wonderful treasures, little known even by the inhabitants of the local villages: granite rock mountains, limestone formations, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, natural emerald pools, grottoes and caves… these are the natural beauty spots we want to help you discover.


The Eco-Camp Sa Rutta Experience was set up as an alternative offer dedicated to active tourism, but day after day it grew on us and changed us, despite our having been born and raised in these places.
Sa Rutta Experience is becoming our way of being, of thinking, of living in harmony with nature in a responsible way and without leaving any trace of our passage.


These enchanting places that exude local history and traditions, have given us a great opportunity: to diversify the range of holiday opportunities in Sardinia, generally linked to seaside activities, allowing tourists from all over the world to get to know places where nature rules supreme.

The 10 promises of Sa Rutta Experience to our guests

The Sa Rutta Experience Team has drawn up a list of 10 key points that determine our fundamental principles regarding the protection of the natural environments that host us.
We aim to raise awareness not only of the behaviour of visitors, but also of the customs of local populations.

1 – Pureness

We preserve the unspoiled nature of these places so that you can continue to breathe the clean air of Sardinia. In fact, data show that the quality of the air in Sardinia is one of the best in the world.


2 – Local

We prefer local products and we obtain all our ingredients strictly from local suppliers! Even in the choice of our partners, we give priority to local companies. Local development is a process of cooperation and change aimed at producing assets and wealth for the community, where the role of “local actors” is of fundamental importance to feed a strategy of exploiting resources.


3 – Climate

We help slow down the processes of climate change. We locally produce electricity from renewable sources We operate using energy and water efficiently We separate and recycle waste effectively. We separate organic waste. We treat our natural heritage in a sustainable way and minimise polluting emissions. Sa Rutta Experience is totally plastic free.


4 – Nature

We will take you to discover the natural wonders of this corner of paradise, made up of mountains, streams, rivers, waterfalls, natural pools and breathtaking views. The Sa Rutta Experience excursions are always led by a certified guide who will let you into all the secrets of the island, as well as provide information on the history of the area and local traditions. We develop new forms of tourist hospitality in harmony with nature and in an environmentally friendly way.


5 – Animals

Taking care of animals is a matter of honour. We support the welfare of the animals that populate our land and we urge our guests to do the same. Thanks to these practices, our visitors can observe the wild animals that inhabit the area, in a healthy and authentic environment.

6 – Food

We offer fresh, traditional and local food. We only use local produce from local suppliers. Our recipes respect the traditions and ingredients of Sardinia. Vegetarian and vegan meals are also available. We reduce food waste.


7 – Safety

The Sa Rutta Experience Team treats guests as members of their own family: we take care of you! We guide our guests to discover local destinations of incomparable beauty, always in an easy and safe way. We will provide you with all the information on how to move safely in this area and on how to prepare for excursions.


8 – Responsible choices

The Sa Rutta Experience Team is committed to sustainable purchases and practices. We require our partners and guests to conduct their business responsibly towards the host environment We do not use plastic bags and disposable plastic products.


9 – Historical and cultural heritage

We live in our lands with the same awareness that our mothers and grandparents did, respecting nature and history: we will welcome you as part of our family so that you can also feel integrated in the dynamics of this place. During our excursions you will also breathe the history and cultural heritage of this region, in moments of conviviality or sitting in front of a bonfire…


10 – Communication

We communicate actively, transparently and sincerely. We operate in compliance with human rights. We make sure that all our staff work according to the 10 promises we make to our guests. We aim to become an environmental education centre for the new generations and future workers of the eco-tourism market. We create new youth employment opportunities.

How to reach Sa Rutta Experience

Sa Rutta Experience is located within the territory of Villaputzu (Biddeputzi, in Sardinian): a town of 4,600 inhabitants in the province of South Sardinia, located in the Sarrabus sub-region.
The nearest city is Cagliari, the capital of the Sardinia Region.
Sa Rutta Experience is easily accessible by the following means of public transport:

By plane

For a weekend or a short stay, the best way to reach Sardinia is definitely by plane.
Several airlines offer numerous daily flights to Sardinia from the main Italian airports: with just over an hour’s flight you can reach Cagliari airport, Olbia airport or Alghero airport.

There are many cheap flights thanks to low cost airlines.
Rates naturally vary from season to season and depend on how far you book in advance.
From the airports it is possible to reach Villaputzu, as well as by car, also by means of a daily bus service provided by ARST and by the Railways that connect Villaputzu to the city of Cagliari, easily reachable, thanks to Trenitalia, from Porto Torres, Olbia and Arbatax and with ARST buses from Elmas airport.

By car

From Cagliari

Take the four-lane ring road towards Villasimius-Quartu S. Elena and exit in the direction of Muravera. Continue along state road 125 towards Muravera.

From Porto Torres

From Sassari take the SS 131 towards Cagliari. Before reaching Cagliari, take the exit for Villasimius-Quartu S. Elena, then the SS 125 towards Muravera until you reach Villaputzu.

From Olbia

Take the SS 131 towards Nuoro and from here continue towards Lanusei on the SS 389. From Lanusei take the SS 125 towards Cagliari.

From Arbatax

Take the SS 125 towards Cagliari.

By ferry

More fascinating perhaps than the plane, however, the ferry to Sardinia takes much longer.
The duration of the crossing varies mainly according to the route but consider that it goes from 5 to over 10 hours.
The main routes are:
Olbia is connected with the ports of Civitavecchia, Livorno, Genoa, Piombino and Naples.
Porto Torres can be reached from Genoa.
Golfo Aranci is connected with Civitavecchia, Fiumicino, Piombino and Livorno.
Cagliari can be reached by embarking from Civitavecchia, Naples, Palermo and Trapani.
Arbatax is reached by ferries from Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Genoa.
There are also numerous connections between Sardinia and Corsica.
Particularly in the high season the ferries to Sardinia are not cheap, but by booking well in advance, affordable rates are available. The ferry also offers the advantage of being able to embark your vehicle and if you intend to explore Sardinia, a means of locomotion is essential. If you don’t want to bring your own car, we suggest you rent one.

By Bus

From Cagliari

The daily trips that connect the Sardinian capital to Villaputzu can be checked at the site of the Sardinian Transport Company – ARST – phone +39 070 4098324
Tickets can be purchased at tobacconists and newsstands.
For those with a boat, the possibility exists of reaching Villaputzu through the tourist port of Porto Corallo a few km from the town. The port, which aims to relaunch fishing and tourist development in the area, offers 430 berths and a strategic position, being halfway between the port of Villasimius and that of Arbatax.

By plane

For a weekend or a short stay, the best way to reach Sardinia is definitely by plane.
Several airlines offer numerous daily flights to Sardinia from the main Italian airports: with just over an hour’s flight you can reach Cagliari airport, Olbia airport or Alghero airport.

There are many cheap flights thanks to low cost airlines.
Rates naturally vary from season to season and depend on how far you book in advance.
From the airports it is possible to reach Villaputzu, as well as by car, also by means of a daily bus service provided by ARST and by the Railways that connect Villaputzu to the city of Cagliari, easily reachable, thanks to Trenitalia, from Porto Torres, Olbia and Arbatax and with ARST buses from Elmas airport.

By car

From Cagliari

Take the four-lane ring road towards Villasimius-Quartu S. Elena and exit in the direction of Muravera. Continue along state road 125 towards Muravera.

From Porto Torres

From Sassari take the SS 131 towards Cagliari. Before reaching Cagliari, take the exit for Villasimius-Quartu S. Elena, then the SS 125 towards Muravera until you reach Villaputzu.

From Olbia

Take the SS 131 towards Nuoro and from here continue towards Lanusei on the SS 389. From Lanusei take the SS 125 towards Cagliari.

From Arbatax

Take the SS 125 towards Cagliari.

By ferry

More fascinating perhaps than the plane, however, the ferry to Sardinia takes much longer.
The duration of the crossing varies mainly according to the route but consider that it goes from 5 to over 10 hours.
The main routes are:
Olbia is connected with the ports of Civitavecchia, Livorno, Genoa, Piombino and Naples.
Porto Torres can be reached from Genoa.
Golfo Aranci is connected with Civitavecchia, Fiumicino, Piombino and Livorno.
Cagliari can be reached by embarking from Civitavecchia, Naples, Palermo and Trapani.
Arbatax is reached by ferries from Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Genoa.
There are also numerous connections between Sardinia and Corsica.
Particularly in the high season the ferries to Sardinia are not cheap, but by booking well in advance, affordable rates are available. The ferry also offers the advantage of being able to embark your vehicle and if you intend to explore Sardinia, a means of locomotion is essential. If you don’t want to bring your own car, we suggest you rent one.

By Bus

From Cagliari

The daily trips that connect the Sardinian capital to Villaputzu can be checked at the site of the Sardinian Transport Company – ARST – phone +39 070 4098324
Tickets can be purchased at tobacconists and newsstands.
For those with a boat, the possibility exists of reaching Villaputzu through the tourist port of Porto Corallo a few km from the town. The port, which aims to relaunch fishing and tourist development in the area, offers 430 berths and a strategic position, being halfway between the port of Villasimius and that of Arbatax.

What to do in Villaputzu

Visit Villaputzu

Villaputzu Town

Open monuments, Villaputzu

Porto Corallo


Car rentals in Villaputzu

Autonoleggio Locci: phone +39 347 9526512

Autonoleggio Enzo Asciana: phone +39 349 1358858

What to do in Villaputzu

Visit Villaputzu

Villaputzu Town

Open monuments, Villaputzu

Porto Corallo

Car rentals in Villaputzu

Autonoleggio Locci: phone +39 347 9526512

Autonoleggio Enzo Asciana: phone +39 349 1358858

The map to reach Villaputzu

The map to reach the Meeting Point at the “Al Miele” Restaurant